Over the past 17 years, thousands of us have grown to love this crazy little game with plastic super heroes, flying across a paper map and teaming up in ways that we never thought were possible. We’ve been to tournaments, local events, and even the grandest stage in the land, but over time the game has started to lose it’s grasp on the community. How do we as a player base work to overcome such hurdles?
Rebuilding the game, we know and love, is a grossly undervalued part of what makes this experience so special. This is because it takes special people to go out of their way to push boundaries, take risks, and bring people together to help restore Heroclix to its former glory. Welcome one and all, to the Heroclix Community Spotlight.
This week we dive into one of the largest problems yet under solved problems in the Heroclix Community: Accessabilty to figures. How many times have you attempted to play a team at an event only to realize "wait a minute, i dont actually own the figures required for this." This game is too broad and the figures are too expensive for everybody to own litterally every figure. Quite frequently, the teams played in the competative scene can be valued at more than $1,000! That is ludicris considering some of these figures may not be worth anything in two to three weeks! But sometimes these figures are necessary to have the most competative team and win an event. So what do we do? How do we aquire the materials necessary to achieve sucess when its fairly obvious we cannot afford them? Lucky for us, PJ Bolin found the answer.
The Heroclix Mooching House! on Facebook is a group dedicated to making expensive and hard to obtain figures more accessabile to the community. There will be times where maybe you just can't seem to find that Cyclops for your ID or maybe you lost the card to your tent pole that brings your entire team together. The Mooching House helps to bridge the gab of where to find these figures and how to gain access to them for a limited period of time. Whether someone is going to the same event as you, or maybe they are willing to mail the figure out because they are just that cool, there is always someone who is willing to lend a hand when the situation is dire.
The page has some rules, of course, that help maintain the balance and aim to protect the ones lending the figures in question. They are as follows:
No buying/selling/trading! We have enough of those groups.
No meta discussion or anything in this group, we also have enough of that. Keep the posts on topic to constructed events and the pieces needed for them.
Absolutely no “renting” figures. This group is here to help the community have access to pieces that they normally would not WITHOUT the cost.
Borrowing isnt exclusively figures. Feel free to ask for maps as well!
Lending out pieces is at your own risk. The best I can do is endlessly ridicule them and make it known they are degenerates if they do not return something in an expedient manner.
People may be willing to ship you pieces if they like you enough, if so, the person receiving the pieces will cover all shipping expenses unless otherwise negotiated.
Don’t be a jerk. If you agree to let someone borrow something, don’t change your mind the morning of the event! Also, that goes the other way, don’t ask for things the morning of an event, then get bent out of shape that nobody came through.
Event advertising is not okay either. Dont be spamming the group with your stuff. If people are going, itll be talked about.
I may randomly add things to this list as I think about it, so check back often!
Anyone can feel free to request or offer to lend figures as they feel lead. There have been a couple different events that I knew i was traveling too where I made a post and offered to lend the figures that were not already being lent out. It really can help to bring this community together. I highly recommend it.
While this article is a little on the shorter side, it still packs a large message to the helpfulness and development of this community. Even in your local, make sure to lend a hand to those in need. If you aren't using your figures, make sure they are available! I lent out figures to half a dozen different people during our state tournament this year because I own figures and I wasn't using them. One's wallet can only get them so far and it is just too hard to get everything. Make sure you join the page, ask to borrow, and be open to the idea of other people asking for some assistance in return.
Visit and join the Heroclix Mooching House! on Facebook!
You may be wondering, "Hey man, why is this article so lack luster this week?" Well don't you worry buckeroo, papa Lucas has something in store. Next week, i will be releasing a Nationals preparation article to make sure everyone who plans to attend is in tip-top shape. It will be a bit of a read, but hopefully a good one! Be sure to check back in next week!
Until next time, have a wonderful week, and don't you dare roll a crit miss!
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