Congrats to Edward Shelton on winning the Tulsa SQ on September 8th. His Avengers team made it through the field of varied teams with several different archetypes showing up. A great showing from all in attendance. 



Event- Tulsa Regional

Number of Players – 17

Date- September 8th 2018


1st Edward Shelton

ADW Chase Hawkeye 65pts

AI Chase Starfox 80pts

Title Wasp 50pts

ADW SR Captain America 50pts

Ape Batman 15pts

TMT Eric Masterson 15pts

Professor X ID 5pts

Cyclops Student ID 3pts

Jean Grey Student ID 3pts

Jubilee Student ID 3pts

Mjolnir 10pts





Green Lantern



ID Characters:

XXS SR Cyclops

XXS Chase Cyclops

XXS Chase Jean Grey

XXS Jubilee

XXS Prime Professor X

XXSFF Jean Grey

TMT Chase Thunderstrike


2nd  DJ Riggan


Title Harley Quinn 60pts

JW SR Penguin 40pts

JWFF Penguin 25pts

BTAS Leslie Thompkins 15pts

DXF Hammer 50pts

TMNT4 Mud Man 20pts

TMT Mangog 30pts

TMT Carnage 10pts

TMT Groot 20pts

Shadowcat ID 5pts

Banshee ID 5pts

Professor X ID 5pts

Storm ID 5pts

Iceman Student ID 3pts

Jean Grey Student ID 3pts

Cyclops Student ID 3pts



Wonder Woman


ID Characters:

XXS SR Cyclops

XXS Chase Cyclops

XXS Chase Iceman

XXS Sprite

XXS Rare Storm

XXS Chase Jean Grey

XXS Rare Professor X

XXS Rare Banshee


3rd Jeff Farrow

AI Chase Starfox 80pts

WK Lockjaw 75pts

AI Pip the Troll 40pts

AI Groot 20pts

AI Mangog 30pts

Pym Pocket Tank 8pts

Sprite Student ID 3pts

Professor X ID 5pts

Chamber Student ID 3pts

Cyclops Student ID 3pts

Jean Grey Student ID 3pts

TMNT4 Mud Man 20pts

Mjolnir 10pts




Pym Particle Tank


ID Characters:

XXS Sprite

XXS Rare Professor X

XXS Rare Prime Professor X

XXS Chase Jean Grey

XXS SR Cyclops

XXS Chamber


4th Kaleb Redick


Blackbird 55pts

Resource Dial 5pts

XXS SR Wolverine 50pts

XXS SR Wolverine 50pts

XXS SR Cyclops 50pts

XXS Moira MacTaggart 25pts

XXS Moira MacTaggart 25pts

SFSM Thug 10pts

Pocket Pym Tank 8pts

Boxing Ring 5pts

Wolverine ID 5pts

Professor X ID 5pts

Cyclops ID 5pts

Cyclops Student ID 0pts

Jean Grey Student ID 0pts

Leech Student ID 0pts

Jubilee Student ID 0pts

Rusty Student ID 0pts




Pym Particle Tank


ID Characters:

XXS SR Wolverine

XXS SR Cyclops (Headmaster ID)

XXS SR Cyclops (Student ID)

XXS Prime Professor X

XXS Chase Jean Grey


XXS Jubilee

XXS Leech


5th -8th in no particular order


Dylan Disney


HQGG Nightshade 50pts

HQGG Nightshade 50pts

HQGG Zatanna 50pts

JW Jakeem Thunder 140

Symbiote 6pts


Dustin Simpson

Shredder Clone 75pts

Ocean Resurrection 10pts

Mini Shredder 90pts

Pip the Troll 40pts

Mangog 30pts

Betty Brant 15pts

Betty Brant 15pts

Professor X ID 5pts

Jubilee ID 3pts

Rusty ID 3pts

Broo ID 3pts

Skin ID 3pts

Symbiote 6pts



Shark Shredder

XXS Skin

XXS Jubilee

XXS Rusty

XXS Broo

XXS Prime Professor X


Jamie Jordan

TMTFF Hulk 50pts

TMTFF Hulk 50pts

TMTFF Hulk 50pts

ADW SR Captain America 50pts

AI Chase Tigra 50pts

AI Giant Girl 10pts

AI Giant Girl 10pts

AI Giant Girl 10pts

AIFF Giant Girl 10pts

AIFF Giant Girl 10pts





Micah Love

Claw Shredder 90pts

Mini Shredder 90pts

Peace Machine 50pts

Overdrive 35pts

Carnage 10pts

Carnage 10pts

Symbiote 6pts

Cyclops Student ID 3pts

Jean Grey Student ID 3pts

Iceman Student ID 3pts






ID Characters:

XXS SR Cyclops

XXS Chase Jean Grey

XXS Common Iceman

XXS Uncommon Iceman