This is the Realms Open Championship Online Tournament. The purpose of this tournament is to allow individuals all over the world with a love of Heroclix to come together and share that passion with one another in a competitive atmosphere. Good sportsmanship, civility, and respect towards one another are core values necessary for fostering a healthy environment for players to enjoy competition against one another.
The purpose of this document is to introduce addendum to the traditional ROC Rules and Guidelines in order to allow for suitable online play. Those traditional ROC Rules and Guidelines can be found on the Realms Open Championship webpage.
Registration for the event will be limited based on the event’s format. Registration limits will be clearly visible during on the event details found on the ROC Online webpage.
Seats will be filled on a first come first serve basis after registration has been opened for the event. Payment for the event’s entrance fee must be made at the time of registration in order for a seat to be reserved.
Once a player has successfully purchased their tournament entry, to complete registration, the following additional information will need to be submitted to the ROC Online email address: a completed ROC Build sheet, a picture of your entire force in your possession, and a picture of the maps listed on your build sheet.
Registration must be completed seventy-two hours before the scheduled event start time to allow for event setup. Registration Deadlines will be posted within the event details.
Event Coordinators will notify each player when their registration is complete.
If a player fails to complete registration within the allotted time, they will be removed from the tournament.
If an event has open seats due to forfeiture or due to lack of interest, it will be up to the Event Coordinator whether Registration may be completed outside of the Event’s Registration Deadline.
If unforeseen circumstances prevents a player from participating in the tournament after entry purchase, a refund may be received up to the Event Registration Deadline. Any refund requests after the Event Registration Deadline will be reviewed by the Event Coordinator, other ROC Online staff members and Lucky Dice Cafe Staff.
Tournament Organization
Each ROC Online Event will have an Event Coordinator and Judge. These individuals will be made known at the beginning of each event. For Super Qualifiers and Mega Qualifiers, two Event Coordinators will be assigned and multiple Judges will be assigned. Individuals can fill multiple roles for an ROC Online Event if approved by the Director of ROC Online.
Players will all connect to the ROC Online Discord Server and join the #Tournament Discussion Voice and Text Channel with the Event Coordinator at the beginning of the event. During this time, the Event Coordinator may make any announcement necessary or relevant to this event.
Initial pairing for the first round of play will be completed after the Registration Deadline and before the beginning of the event to allow Event Coordinators time to setup the games. Event Coordinators will announce these pairings at the beginning of the tournament once all participants are present. Subsequent pairings for the rounds beyond the first will occur as customary for a Heroclix Tournament.
After the initial pairing, participants will break off into individual Game Voice Channels as assigned by the Event Coordinator. These Voice Channels will be used for communication between the players and the Judge per players’ request.
The Event Coordinator(s) will send each player a link to their Roll 20 game. Players will be allowed 15 minutes to enter their games on Roll 20 and set up their figures. After the 15 minute set-up period, the Event Coordinator and/or Judge will announce that time has started and if any additional set up time is required, it will count against the round time for that match.
The winner of the match shall report the results to the Event Coordinator within 10 minutes of the end of match time. Failure to do so will result in both players receiving a loss.
Tournament play will continue until the set amount of rounds are completed, or until a clear winner has been determined. Upon completion of the event, the Event Coordinator will announce the winner on Discord, update the WIN with match results, and collect the winner’s information for prize support to be mailed.
All events will utilize the most recent published Heroclix rules found at These rules include the Heroclix Core Rulebook (2017), the most recent Powers and Abilities Card (2017), the most recent DC, Marvel, Star Trek and Universal Team Abilities, the most recently published Heroclix Uncarded Figure Keyword List, the 2016 Heroclix Size Chart and all posts found on the Wizkids Rules Forum.
Should a question arise that is not adequately addressed by any of the sources listed above, please ask the Judge of the match. Judges can be reached by typing @Judge in Discord. Do not continue play until the Judge has answered.
Any source of rules not listed above should not be considered reliable. Should a player choose to utilize an unreliable source of rules information, the penalty will be accepting possible play errors that immediately result from that as perfectly valid for this one match only.
ROC Online Playing Rules:
The dials and cards of all game elements are to be assumed as public information. It is too difficult to prevent someone from researching this information during a match.
All games will be played utilizing the Roll20 application.
All Dice Rolls should be made utilizing Roll20’s Dice Rolling Application.
The Discord application should be utilized for all voice communications. In the event that Discord is experiencing technical difficulties, the Event Coordinator(s) will announce an alternative voice application that will be used.
ROC Online Staff
The Event Coordinator(s) is/are in charge of the tournament. The Event Coordinator is responsible for event setup and managing the ROC Online Roll20 account. The Event Coordinator will distribute Roll20 game invitations and will manage all other event details. Any issue that cannot be addressed by another staff member should be addressed to the Event Coordinator. Their answer is the final answer in all matters. Any player bans will be made final by the Event Coordinator upon review and counsel with Judges and any other event staff.
ROC Online events will utilize judges who have been certified and trained by the ROC Judge Coordinator. All judges must be approved for judging ROC Online events by the Judge Coordinator.
Judges will be responsible for handling rules questions that arise during Matches.
Every tournament must have at minimum one judge available for every 8 tournament participants during the event. The Judge minimum can be met by a different judge for the event as long as there is a judge available for every aspect of the event.
Any rulings made by a judge will be documented and evaluated after the event. If a Judge is found to have made an incorrect ruling, all parties affected by the ruling will be informed of the correct ruling by the Judge Coordinator. Should a judge consistently issue incorrect rulings (either before or after appeals), the Judge Coordinator may reevaluate their continued tenure as a judge in the event.
A list of all ROC Online staff can be found on the Realms Open Championship website.
If a player forfeits prior to their first match, their opponent will be awarded the win and score points equal to the build total of the event format. If the forfeiture occurs at least an hour before the event, the Event Coordinator should attempt to find a replacement before awarding their opponent a win.
Player Bans and Suspensions
A player that is banned and/or suspended may not participate in any Realms Open Championship Online Event for the entirety of the ban or suspension. Player bans and/or suspensions may last for any period of time, with the exact duration to be determined by the Director of ROC Online.
Any incidents of cheating, suspected cheating, or accusations of cheating shall be reviewed by a judge and the Event Coordinator. After review, a player may be suspended from the event pending further review from the Director of ROC Online. Additional review may result in a permanent ban from ROC Online events and other ROC events.
Force Construction
All event builds will be reviewed by the Event Coordinator prior to the beginning of the event. Players have until the Registration Deadline to submit their event builds.
If a player submits an event build before the Registration Deadline, the Event Coordinator will review the build for legality even if the Registration Deadline passes before approval is given to the player.
If the build is considered illegal and it is passed the Registration Deadline, it is up to the Event Coordinator’s discretion on whether another build may be submitted to correct the original build.
Visual Proof of Ownership of all the figures, maps, and additional build elements are required before Registration is considered complete. An Event Coordinator will not approved a build until visual proof is submitted.
Appropriate Behavior And Language:
When playing a game during a ROC Online Event, it is highly suggested that each player shows camaraderie and patience. Each player should treat each other with respect and sportsmanship.
ROC Online does not prohibit foul language. If a player uses excessive foul language directed towards their opponent, a Judge may intervene upon request to resolve the situation.
Judges are not responsible for catching illegal actions or moves. If a player makes an illegal action or move, a judge will not interrupt the match to notify the players in the match. After the match has ended, the judge will notify the player of the illegal action or move. If a player continues to make illegal actions or moves, the player’s behavior and matches may be under review for possible suspension or ban by the Event Coordinator and/or Judge.