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25 Feb Heroclix Hall of Fame: George Massu
Lucas 4 1599
  Hello and welcome everyone to a very special article! As many of you are aware, the ROC wanted to start a program that exemplifies the achievements and careers of Heroclix players around the world. We announced our end of year awards a few wee..
18 Feb Heroclix Hall of Fame: Scott Cramton
Lucas 0 1284
  Hello and welcome everyone to a very special article! As many of you are aware, the ROC wanted to start a program that exemplifies the achievements and careers of Heroclix players around the world. We announced our end of year awards a few wee..
13 Feb Heroclix Hall of Fame: Daniel Joynes
Lucas 3 1358
  Hello and welcome everyone to a very special article! As many of you are aware, the ROC wanted to start a program that exemplifies the achievements and careers of Heroclix players around the world. We announced our end of year awards a few wee..
02 Oct ROC Cup Update: Friday WWE Event
Lucas 2 964
  Good evening everyone. We wanted to take some time to go over the Friday night event for the ROC Cup.    As many of you are aware, we are planning on hosting a WWE style 2v2 event. The plan is to follow through with this, but there are som..
28 Sep ROC Cup Update: Prizing!
Lucas 0 1172
Welcome back to part 2 of our pre ROC Cup announcements! If you missed the article from last week, go ahead and give it a read, we can wait.    Today’s article will cover arguable the most important aspect of any large scale Heroclix event: Prizing..
21 Sep ROC Cup Update: Big News!
Lucas 0 1276
Hello and happy weekend everyone! We wanted to take some time to announce some changes to the ROC Cup this year! For reference you can click on the ROC Cup section of the website to read them yourself if you so choose. Otherwise, stay tuned for the..
30 Aug States/Provinces Format Change
2 2578
  We are known for making quick changes as necessary. The following change is perhaps not one that was necessary,  but one that we feel will make things better. We are changing format for the second half States/province Championship tournaments. T..
27 Aug Roc, paper,.....Map
4 2565
    We are now taking pre-orders for our first produced double sided map. On one side you will find the "Hedge Maze", our most popular monthly map produced. On the other side you will find "The Main Event", the very first ROC map ever produced. We..
26 Aug 2019 States & Province Championships #2
0 3248
  We are pleased to announce dates, format, and prizing for our second half states and provincial tournaments. Tournament dates will be on the weekends of  November  9th & 10th and 16th & 17th. Initially we planned on the format being a sealed tou..
19 Aug Change to Prizing in ROC Kits
0 1300
  We announced last October at the ROC Cup that WizKids would be sponsroing ROC and that all ROC Kits would include convention exclusives. Unfortunately the talks between Wizkids and ROC occured after WizKIds had ordered 2019 prizing. That order w..
24 Jul Heroclix Interview - Happy Little Heroclix!
Lucas 0 219
Over the past 18 years, thousands of us have grown to love this crazy little game with plastic super heroes, flying across a paper map and teaming up in ways that we never thought were possible. We’ve been to tournaments, local events, and even the..
21 Jul ROC KIT Update
Hbrock 1 1832
  Greetings everyone,   Today we annouce changes in ROC kits. These changes will occur for all kits purchased today going forward and scheduled from August 10th onward. Kits bought prior to today and scheduled before August 10th may or may not b..
Showing 13 to 24 of 89 (8 Pages)
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