27 Apr

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Hello everyone,
I hope this finds you all well and safe. COVID-19 still has a good grip on most of us, but it does appear there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Areas are beginning to open back up the economy but it varies from place to place. Each area has been effected differently and is following its own step by step process. That prevents a definitive date for States and Province Championships to occur. In light of this we are making changes.
Normally we would have run two championships for the year. The second championship is now canceled. The current championship was scheduled for the month of June. Instead, venues will be allowed to schedule their event from June 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Events may not be scheduled during the ROC Cup on August 22 & 23 or during the World Championship on October 10 & 11.
This will give States and Provinces the ability to choose a date that best fits their situation as we recover from COVID-19. You will need to edit your event on the WIN system once you have chosen your date. Please email me back that date and I will change it on the ROC website.
Most of the kits have already been sent out. We are sending 2/3 per day. All kits should be to all recipients by May 15th.
Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Howard Brock
1 Comment(s)
How do I get these kits and how much do they cost?
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